The Queen Archetype. In her core, she protects her kingdom. In her shadow, it is off with her subjects’ heads. She sits on her throne surrounded by many courtiers and advisors but yet she feels alone and vulnerable. She seeks for an ally, someone to partner with in her agenda. Her subjects will show their adoration to their Queen when she leads from her heart and not from her mind. When this happens, she becomes the Queen of hearts.
Aah… the Queen. I have met several in my lifetime. Mostly in the corporate environment. They came and went, each I advised accordingly. I have advised queens in the past, and in present life. I can only advise as a Sage or the Oracle in the Court. The final decisions come from them. I see their vulnerabilities and what they truly desire. I see what lies behind their struggles. It is the same longing as for everyone. It is to seek approval and to be loved. The Queen wants very much to be loved by her subjects. This can only be given if she is willing to receive with an open heart.
In modern day, the queen archetype is manifested through women who hold leadership roles. I have worked with female entrepreneurs and women with executive roles within organizations having the responsibility to manage and lead a staff or a team. I have the seen the encouraging behavior where actions were from a place of compassion. In contrast, I have seen bossy and manipulative behavior where frequent firings occurred because the outcome did not go their way.
Do you know a queen in your life? Are you a queen? Observe how you lead. What kind of queen do you want to become?