Myra has an ability to bring forth information and connect with each individual in a meaningful and soul-inspiring way. Her workshops are a catalyst for change-regardless of where participants maybe in their personal journey of awakening. Each time you attend a workshop with Myra, you will gain valuable guidance that will help you move toward accomplishing your life purpose. If you have an opportunity to attend a workshop with Myra, TAKE IT! I cannot recommend her work more highly! ~ Hannah Stein Owner, Ashland Reiki & Wellness Center
An evening with Myra Astorga is not to be missed! Myra connects with and channels beings of higher consciousness who have come in to help guide and educate us on spiritual philosophies and knowledge. Myra additionally passes on her interest and study of archetypes so that we may better understand who we are and what qualities we have come into this lifetime with. As you observe and listen, you realize that the Beings of Light are downloading the information to Myra so rapidly, she can barely get the words out fast enough! I encourage everyone to come experience this most inspirational and enlightened evening! ~ Pam Ross Aquarius Sanctuary
When this lovely little lady connects with the energy that she channels she becomes a wealth of powerful information. To talk to Myra you realize she is a very smart woman who loves to learn and share with others. The very fact that she enjoys expanding her knowledge makes her a good recipient for the entities that she connects with to channel information through her as she opens to their amazing influence and wisdom. The expansion of insight that moves through Myra is spellbinding, life-affirming and uplifting to witness. ~ Reverend Kary
I am not even sure where to start when it comes to the impact one night with Myra has had on my life. 6 years ago I met Myra during one of her classes. That one night was just what I needed.
I was the typical Wife, Mother, employee doing all the “right things” but knowing something was missing…. What was my bigger purpose?? Well Myra’s ability to tap into the higher conscious was just what I needed. Her ability to know just what to say and make me reflect upon what I somehow already knew but was not taking action on changed my mindset thus changed my world!
I will forever be grateful! - Julie Vinson, Dragonflies and Amber
"Myra is very perceptive and a strong leader and speaker. She is able to connect with her audience in a very unique way being both powerful and helpful." By: Louise Rijk of Louise Rijk, Mary Kay Independent Sales Consultant
On Saturday, I needed a good place for support and connection and luckily I went to Ashland Reiki and Wellness Center. Myra Astorga was leading a channelled session that was filled with helpful insights and wisdom. I had been questioning my direction and next steps and left with faith and belief in myself and my mission in life. I highly recommend the great workshops that Hannah Stein offers at Ashland Reiki and Wellness Center, and Myra’s sessions that bring clarity and direction. Never spend time in confusion and self-doubt, tap into these local resources. ~Nancy Cantor Owner, Cantor Consulting and Professional Training & Coaching Consultant