If you are seeking guidance of some sort, bring your profound questions to the channel session. Myra will be channeling the guidance and wisdom from sources of the deeper realms.
Myra Astorga is an advanced channel with more than a decade of practice. Channeling is a sacred gift of connecting with the higher realms. It involves setting aside her conscious mind, and going into an altered state that allows spiritual entities to flow and speak through her.
Ultimately, her work involves helping individuals to remember who they are at the deepest level of their being.
Hosted by Dragonflies and Amber.
Workshop fee: Due to our current circumstances, we are offering a sliding scale of $15-$30.
To join us on April, 18th from the comfort of your own home. Once you have registered a zoom link will be sent to you via email. Please register at: https://dragonflies-and-amber.square.site/product/an-evening-of-channeling-with-myra-astorga/63?cp=true&sa=true&sbp=false&q=false