I recently met a friend for coffee who has inspired me over the years because of her chosen life work. My friend is one of these rare women who chose to be a homemaker rather than seeking a job outside the home. Since I’ve known her, she has been satisfied being a homemaker and she is one of the certain few who is happy being who she is, a natural Caretaker.
Kudos to her and a handful of other women who did not buy into the idea that success means striving to obtain that recognizable role in the workforce. She simply wanted to stay home and take care of her family which has been her life purpose. I admire how she has openly admitted that staying at home and taking care of her family has been more meaningful than pursuing a career in the workforce. My friend has a strong Caretaker archetype and she has allowed herself to express her archetype in her day to day living.
We are not all meant to become entrepreneurs nor surgeons and lawyers. Society has been trying to convince and persuade women since the Women’s Movement to go out into the workplace and join forces with our male counterpart to offer more equality and balance in the world. However, homemakers are successful women themselves and they are helping to keep the world balance by sharing their own qualities with us.
Indeed, I have admired so many women who have achieved their greatest in the workforce but I truly admire those who decided to stay home and become CEOs of their household. Their desire to take care of their families as their priority contributes to the progress in our world.
Gratitude to all the homemakers out there!